Monday July 2

This morning we went chimpanzee tracking and it was SO cool. Our dress code: long pants, long sleeves, closed toed shoes, hats preferred. It was not hot like I was dreading it to be because we were in the forest covered by all the trees, so it was actually chilly and comfortable.

We started early in the morning and i believe it only took us 2 hours because we were successful in finding some chimps! Our guide mentioned how yesterday, they spent 4+ hours walking around looking and they only found 1. I sure am happy that did not happen to us! We actually spotted some fairly quickly and once we spotted one, we found a few more and even some babies. Some were high up in the trees, and some even climbed down to the ground, but not close to us. That was such an awesome experience and I am so happy we got to do that!

After chimp tracking, we set off for a game drive in the savannah. The animals to look out for: water buffalo, lions, elephants, ugandan kob. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any lions because recently, a group of lions went into the local community and ate the cows, so they got poisoned and died. Only 1 lion had been spotted recently and unfortunately we didn’t get to see it. But it is still very fun to sit on the top of the vans to get the views! Speaking of sitting on top of the vans, holy moly do you get dirty! But, out of the three vans in our group, mine was traveling last, so all of the dirt from the vans ahead just collected onto our faces and clothes lol

Here’s a pic of my face after the ride:

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